Welcome to [INST-414: Data Science Techniques] with Kem Nguyen-Le
Students, This is a platform where you will (A) log attendance through scanning QR codes broadcast each lecture/discussion; (B) receive AI help for free-response homework assignments (currently in development) and (C) Submit weekly journal reflections
Students must scan the provided QR code at the beginning of each class (and discussion!) session using their mobile devices to record their attendance.
- • QR codes displayed first 5 minutes
- • Failure to scan = marked absent
- • Special extra credit QR codes during discussions
AI Help for Free Response Homework Assignments
[In progress, to be released before our first free response homework.]
Please know, however, that we are only piloting this AI help feature for this course. Therefore, feedback is much appreciated. All AI-assisted free response homework submitted with detailed feedback will automatically earn 20% extra credit.
Weekly reflections on your command of course materials and efforts.
- • Due every Sunday by 11:59 PM
- • Template provided for guidance
- • Track your course progress